Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I saw the following picture on a blog the other day, and it completely blew me away. Its beauty left me speechless. I have searched for it, but all searches have only led back to posts on blogs, and not the original artist. Although I can't give credit where it is due, I just have to share it with you.

Hard Working Woman by Musin Yohan
If you can tell me who the artist is, I will love you forever. (I'll probably love you forever anyways, but maybe I'll love you even more).

Okay, so Mark was the winner. You can see more of Musin Yohan's beautiful photography at MyMusin.


Mark Langham said...

Musin Yohan....methinks.


Incredible picture.....wow.

and these...Wow...


Mark Langham said...

Oh and P.S. "funtasticus.com" seems like a really "swell" site....geez....didn't realize that til after I posted....sorry

Shebecomes said...

Wow, you are fast. You must have internet superpowers. Thank you so much for helping me out...and wow...what and amazing photographer!

Mark Langham said...

Ha...yeah. It's really not the superpower I had asked for....

Your welcome though. Incredible photos. I think if he were to commit himself to chronicling trafficking he could almost single-handedly get the world's attention.

Cathrine said...

This is a fairly spectacular photo!!