Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Challenge. September 2010.

I have been procrastinating a bit about writing out this month's challenge.

The reason is that the subject rips my heart out.

At times it brings me to my knees in prayer and gasping sobs of sorrow.

At times it makes me furious, causing anger to boil inside of me.

And at times it causes me to just sit overwhelmed, glued to my seat, unable to move or do any good from the weight of helplessness.

The first two emotions I think are good. These emotions can awaken your spirit to move on the behalf of the broken and abused. But as you proceed with this month's challenge, you have to promise me that you will not do the latter; You will not let a feeling a helplessness hinder you from helping. Because you can help, and that overwhelming feeling that causes immobility is a lie from the deciever.

This month I want to bring to your attention the subject of human trafficking.

According to Unicef, over 2 million children are exploited every year through sex trade.

Over 27 million men, women, and children are victims of current day slavery.

Human trafficking effects young and old, male and female, but most often the most vulnerable are targeted. Traffickers decieve impoverished families into believing their children will be taken to a better place where they can recieve an education, but are instead forced into child labor. Widows are forced to do the unspeakable because they have no one to defend them. Young women are told they can start a new life in another country, and instead become sex slaves.

The first part of this month's challenge is awareness. We are so often sheltered from the atrocities going on in our world, and even in our own backyard. I challenge you, and myself, to dig deeper. Learn the statistics, read real people's stories, and really make a connection to these victims.

Here is one to get you started: Inside the Slave Trade
Also, I would like to recommend the documentary Born Into Brothels, which you can likely check out for free at your local library.

The second part of the challenge is to pray. Pray for God to break your heart for the things that break His. Pray that He will open your eyes to the injustices going on around the world. And pray that he would show you how to move.

The third part of this challenge is to move. It may look different for each of us. Find an organization to connect with that fights the injustice of human trafficking. It may be giving or volunteering or raising awareness.

Here are a few organizations who are devoted to fighting injustice:
International Justice Mission
Conspiracy of Hope
Home of Hope

This month I will be reading Just Courage by Gary Haugen, and I encourage you to do the same. This will be my first time reading this book, but I hear it will be a motivation to step up and take a stand for justice.

I hope you will all be a part of this month's challenge. Shake off that feeling of helplessness, and become a light to expose the evil that hides in the darkness. Take a stand for those who are crying out, but whose voices we cannot hear because they have been muffled.

Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked. Psalm 82:3-4


Cathrine said...

Just saying....thanks for keeping me accountable with this

Mark Langham said...

Thank you so much Rebecca. Words can't even.....

JD said...

This... is the Gospel. Thank you for leading us in these challenges.