Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Perfect Accident

You know those people who think their pets are just the cutest things to ever grace the planet and post a million pictures of them for the world to see...like the world really cares?

Well, I'm about to become one of those people.

But really, my baby boy is the cutest and sweetest dog around.

Exactly three years ago I became the foster momma of this over-loveable pitbull baby.

Shortly after, I accidentally became his permanent momma...

Deep down I believe it was meant to be ;)


Unknown said...

Awwwww, I miss my dog! He's beautiful, he can definitely come live in my van! What's his name?

Shebecomes said...

His name is Doobie (don't judge me for the drug reference name, he came to me that way :)

Anonymous said...

We adopted an ugly dog named Earl... truly the face only a mother can love. We inherited the name as well. So sweet!

Shebecomes said...

@Donna- for 15 years we had a dog that had been dumped off at my dad's house (he lives out in the country) and we lovingly called him Ug (short for ugly)...he sounds a lot like Earl :)

Unknown said...

Hahaha! He's an upstanding-looking guy, I think he'll overcome the name.